The strange case of Kovid in D.Africa:HIV patient was corona infected for 9 months, there were 21 mutations of the virus in the body

 Mutations in the corona virus can occur in animals as well as people with weak immunity. Recently, scientists have given evidence of this in a research conducted in South Africa. According to him, when a woman suffering from HIV got corona infection, she had 21 mutations of the virus in her body in 9 months. These mutations can later take the form of dangerous variants, which can increase the epidemic crisis in the world.

The corona remained in the woman's body for 9 months
Scientists at the University of KwaZulu-Natal found in research that the virus remained in the body of a 22-year-old woman who was infected with the corona for 9 months. During this time his treatment for HIV / AIDS was not going well. As soon as doctors started giving this woman anti-retroviral medicine against HIV, her immune system got stronger and she recovered from corona in 6 to 9 weeks.

Mutations of the virus in the woman Similar to the Omicron variant
, according to research, only 10 mutations occurred in the spike protein of the virus while in the woman's body. It is through the spike protein that the virus enters the body of others and infects them. Apart from this, the woman was infected with the beta variant of the corona, which was invented in South Africa itself. Currently, the Omicron variant, which is spreading like fire all over the world, was also first detected in South Africa.

According to scientists, some of the changes that took place in the virus while in the female body have also been seen in Omicron and Lambda variants. There are also some mutations that help the virus fight the human immune system.

According to
scientists, this research is proof that the corona virus can mutate rapidly in patients whose immune system is weak. Such people are already battling serious diseases, such as AIDS and cancer. Even if these diseases are not treated properly, patients can be badly hit by corona. The immunity of some people is very weak from birth. Scientists believe that with the help of anti-retroviral drugs, such people can recover quickly from corona.

Highest HIV/AIDS Cases
in South Africa South Africa is the country with the highest number of HIV/AIDS cases in the world. There are 60 million HIV patients in the world, of which 8.2 million are in South Africa. This is an infection in which a person gradually loses his immunity completely. Due to weak immune system, its patients also get cold and cold very easily. Despite decades of effort, scientists have not been able to find a permanent cure for it so far.


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